Saturday, March 30, 2013

So Much Changes in One Year

Today, the day before Easter, we had cinnamon roll waffles for breakfast, then Adam took a much needed nap, dyed Easter eggs and had our first family barbecue since the twins were born.
In deep concentration.

It's amazing how much can change in a year. Last year Adam was still an only child, made a big mess of the Easter Egg dying at Mamie and Grandpa's house, and his biggest thrill of the activity was smashing the eggs to pieces.

In deep concentration one year ago.

And this year it was much more composed, although I do wish the twins could have participated more. (I do so miss those little blonde curls though).

I will forever remember this picture of Adam (below). I accidentally cut off the top off his head, he has a scratch on his face of unknown origin, there is a mess on the table behind him and there's Easter egg dye splashes on his face, but it's the first time ever that he has posed and smiled for a picture when I asked him to, without saying "CHEESE".

Showing Daddy his teeth.

Mr. Tough Guy

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