Thursday, March 28, 2013

Midnight Party

Claire woke herself up because she was talking in her sleep. I watched her in the monitor as she crawled over to where her crib meets Colin's and deliberately wake him up because she was bored.

Now they are both awake, sitting in their cribs and talking to each other... Probably determining their next move. I'm exhausted (its 11:30 pm), but too entertained by their ploys to stop watching and listening to them giggle at each other's jokes.

You can barely see Claire because she has her face right up against the crib slats, talking to Colin. Colin is mostly doing a lot of agreeing, but must be saying hilarious things because Claire can't stop laughing.

(Conversations, for the record: "BA BA BA. BA. DA DA DA." (Laughter). Ba Ba. Da."

...Looking for a baby translater app to see if I should be preparing myself for chaos tomorrow... Probably will just prepare myself anyway, like always.

This is the good life.

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