Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Aquarium

Shannon was out of town in Indianapolis (or as Adam says, Apolis) from Saturday until late Wednesday night, but we managed. I'm SO glad he is back.

On Sunday Mamie and Grandpa came by and took us all to the McDonald's playground and then have me a chance to run some errands.

Then on Monday I took the day off work and we went to the aquarium with Lisa. We went over to Grapevine Mills, had lunch in the food court, and then Adam rode the carousel with Lisa and got a balloon while Claire complained that she was confined to her stroller and Colin took in every noise and sight possible.

Lisa waited in the very long line while the kids and I wandered the mall and watched the trampoline bungee, which Adam was DYING to try. I wasn't quite ready to let him try it... While he was just inside the weight limit, the teenage girl who was "spotting" didn't look quite as qualified as I like for strapping my two year old in and launching him 20 feet in the air. Maybe next year.

At any rate, when we got ready to tour the aquarium Adam was ready to run wild and see everything. To his credit he was very good at TRYING to stay close but there was quite a bit to see and I would have sworn they were at capacity. It's easy for a little guy to get excited and move fast. We stopped a few times to talk about what he saw... A fish, a sting ray, a shark, a dinosaur head (display). But we got the longest pause at the jellyfish tank. And while he has been potty-trained for well over a month now even during naps (proud mom moment), we haven't had much practice at public potties when we are away from home and school. But he made it all day with no accidents and even got an opportunity to pee on a car tire (our tire) when we had to go right as I was about to strap Colin in to the car seat over an already loaded van. I thought he'd be excited about that, but I think he was mostly confused.

I'm glad Adam enjoyed the aquarium and the day, but the truth is, Colin was the real winner. He watched EVERYTHING quietly, wide-eyed and studying it all. For being so little, his attention span and level of interest was off the charts. We were in there close to an hour and he wanted to see it all. When I gave him the chance to get out and see a tankful of catfish up close, he was happy and eager to touch the glass. I am tempted to take him back on his own for some Mommy-Colin time.

Claire decided that in those dark caves in the comfort of her stroller was a perfectly place to sleep if we weren't going to let her explore to her heart's content. So she took a good long nap. Everyone was very good for the amount of stimulation and length of the outing. I'm lucky to have such great kids, and great friends who will spend one of her days of spring break to join us on a special and rare outing.

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