Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My 3 Year Old Super Hero

Adam is three. THREE. In our tradition (starting at age two), I recorded some of his favorite sayings on a picture. (The one from when he was two can be found on this blog post.)

Every night we read How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? and Madeline. He can name most of the species in the dinosaur book but when he points to an old fashioned phone in Madeline and asks what it is, he looks are me like I'm crazy when I answer. I guess he'll grow up thinking smart phones are real phones.

He's an expert backseat driver, telling us which way to turn, how fast to go, when to stop at red and green lights... and on day, when I stopped for a red light, he told me to keep going.

"I can't go yet, the light is red!"
"No.... it's just pink. You can go."

So I guess that's something we'll have to talk about before he turns 16.

His current favorite shows are Bubble Guppies and Peter Rabbit, and you can bet that nine times out of ten if you ask him what he wants for breakfast he'll say:
"Ummmmm.... hmmmmmm... DONUTS!"
(That tenth time, he'll just say "no." As in, "Do you want fruit for breakfast, toast for breakfast, or waffles for breakfast?" "No.")

I have more to say about him than my heart knows how to handle. I could talk about his compassion. I could go on and on about what an incredible and completely natural big brother he is. I could gush about how interesting he is to be around, and I could never completely express how he changed me, not just from being a regular old person to a mother, but in the way he was born to embrace life and have no fear.

He welcomes the world, he takes it all in, and then he makes the world his instead of the other way around. I am in awe, every single day. He inspires me to be better than I ever was.

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