Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Refresh

Shannon went to Nashville (or as Adam says it, "Nash-bill") Monday afternoon, and will be back around bedtime Thursday night.

The twins started their 8th round of antibiotics, because their sinus infections just aren't even being touched by it. Both are still sick and wheezing, fighting hard to keep the mucus out of their lungs (with only a little success). Even with all the antibiotics, Colin still has a full sinus infection and labored breathing, and Claire still has raging ear infections. Our pediatrician recommended us to the ENT to check on their adenoids being the main cause, which I had already suspected after Adam having his adenoids and tonsils out 6 months ago and it making an enormous difference in the amount of times he gets sick.

Needless to say, it is busy and stressful around here even with two fully participating adults taking on full work loads at home and at work... So when one needs to be away for four days, it's hard on both of us... One manages to keep it together at home while the other feels guilt at not being there to help. It is life.

One top of two sick kids, Adam is a full blown three year old with all the distraction techniques, back talk and emotional difficulties that come with that, and his favorite teacher moved on to another job which is a major adjustment for him. I like his new teacher, and I think he does too, but Jenny was our golden ticket to peaceful mornings. This morning, after dealing with more misplaced poop than anyone ever wants to deal with), we left for school so I could drop him off and then take the babies to daycare (this of course means that all three have to be unloaded and go inside). When I pulled into the daycare parking lot he screamed, "I don't want to! I want to see Jenny!" I didn't know what to say to make him understand. I then had to almost tackle him in the hallway to keep him from running out the door again. I told him his friends were waiting for him and he yelled, "My friends don't want to see me! MY FRIENDS DON'T WANT TO SEE ME!!"

When I got him in the door his new teacher had to pry him off of me as he went into a state of uncontrolled, mad-scared-sad screaming and crying, and as I stood in the hallway a few feet out of view of the door, composing myself, I could tell it wasn't something that was going to end quickly. I am trying to remind myself that with Daddy away and a new environment to adjust to at school, it's only natural that he act out a little at home, and that my high stress level probably isn't helping that either. It's hard to keep cool though when he is getting in trouble at home a lot lately for ignoring instructions or flat out disobeying them. He's a good kid dealing with a lot of change, and he really wanted to go to the doctor with me and the twins.

When we got to the ENT I filled out ten tons of paperwork and then they saw us quickly. He and I quickly agreed that we really couldn't wait it out with more antibiotics, and he was impressed that they were still smiling, even with Colin's major congestion and Claire's severe double ear infections.

We scheduled an adenoidectomy for Colin and a adenoidectomy/ear tubes for Claire in 9 days... Next Thursday.

I then dropped them off at day care and came home to work, exhausted.

When I picked them up we went to pick up Panda Express, where Adam tried his orange chicken, instantly made a face, spit it out, and insisted he did NOT like "sticky nuggets." I tried them also, and was quickly reminded why I never go to Panda Express.

So I made Adam regular frozen chicken nuggets "from the refridgerator," as he requested. And gave the twins broccoli, rice, and a little but of chicken, bathed the twins in the sink, watched Ice Age while I combed hair, brushed teeth, gave medicine and breathing treatments, and trimmed six hands worth of fingernails. I washed bottles, cleaned highchairs, and organized for tomorrow. And when the movie was over, I got some enjoyment out of being the referee while the three of them engaged in wrestle mania, laughing the whole time. It was the first time in a very long time where I actually got to be involved in playtime instead of running around trying to take care of everyone's needs. I don't know how it happened, but I needed it.

The one who got the MOST enjoyment out of it, however, was Claire, because when Adam tackled her he meant it, and she was doing pretty well at holding her own.

Honestly, she thought this was awesome...

Colin wanted to play too, and wasn't upset about the rough housing, but is (sorry Colin) a little accident prone and more easily forced over right now. It is becoming very apparent that it won't be that way for long though.

Don't mess with my sister!!

Adam planned this fall (below) and will, to my sanity's detriment, end up being a stuntman someday. (Please, please, PLEASE don't be a stuntman, Adam!)

Don't worry... They were safe. I have tough kids.

And I'm crossing my fingers that the extra exercise means they'll sleep ALL night long.

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