Thursday, November 18, 2010

28 weeks old (6 1/2 months)

Today we packed away the swing, the bumbo, and the activity mat. He's not to old for the swing, but he's too big. He still fits in the bumbo, but can't be bothered with sitting still and is strong enough to get himself out of it, and when we put him on the activity mat he just rolls away and is off to check on other more interesting things.

We decided to keep out the little bouncer, which he is close to outgrowing but still really likes. Plus, he looked so cute and happy sitting in it, watching the Jetsons, and drinking his bedtime bottle in his pajamas.

I got to stay home with him today and we played. He also took two really great naps (two 2-hour naps) as opposed to his two 30 minute naps that he usually does at daycare, so he was even cheerful this evening. In all it was a good day. I wish I had more of them.

Below are some pictures from today. Adam was 28 weeks old yesterday.

Drool looks oddly like sweat, especially in that quantity.

150 push ups and still smiling.

Duck on the left, elephant on the right, bottle between the legs - all available in a second if needed.


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