Monday, November 8, 2010

It's a Bad Day

I worked from 6 am to 3:45 pm yesterday. Did manual data entry, report running, and issue research all day. But no communications writing, which is what I spend 12 hours last Sunday doing.

Both of my fantasy football teams are going to lose. One because my team is lame, the other because I didn't start the right people. The latter is more frustrating.

Last night Adam had horrible acid reflux, to the point that we could hear it in his throat and he was obviously in pain. He didn't want to be put down and didn't sleep well at all. Might be the peaches he tried yesterday. Maybe he overloaded on peaches and apples.

At 10:30 I turned off the lamp next to my bed and the whole breaker went out. Shannon tried flipping the switch in the breaker box, but no luck. It shut down the bathroom lights, the outlets behind the head of our bed, and the outlets immediately behind that wall, which just so happened to be where Adam's crib is, including the camera for his baby monitor.

I spent all night either rocking Adam or worrying that a fire was going to break out.

I woke up - late. Logged on to work. Sent a few emails before scrambling to get Adam's food and extra clothes ready for daycare.

Adam woke up screaming, more acid reflux. I gave him his medicine and gave him a bottle instead of his usual oatmeal or rice cereal. He didn't seem to mind much and gave me a tiny smile.

I have to go to the dentist toay. I tried to reschedule because work is hectic and they said they had no other new patient appointments available at any time in the near future. My tooth hurts, my teeth are yellow. I have to go.

Had to refill my tire with air from our compressor before leaving for work.

Apparently electricians are expensive.

I need gas in my car and I'm sure I'm going to have to stop sometime today at the most inconvenient time.

Have to work after the dentist appointment - probably until about 6. That will be a 7:15am to 6 or 6:30 pm day. I don't mind the work - it's the lack of time for other stuff that gets in the way.

An hour later...

Kept the dentist appointment since I was told I couldn't reschedule, but when I got there she said she had cancelled me. Apparently, "Don't reschedule, I'll figure something out," isn't clear enough and sounds more like "I'll try to figure something out and call you back." Either way, I didn't cancel. But now all of sudden there is an open appointment for me on Friday morning. Great. Wonderful.Too bad I already left work to get this over with NOW.

This day can't be over soon enough.

1 comment:

Delia said...

I'm sorry! It never fails that everything happens on the same day. Hopefully you'll luck out with the electrician...but I feel your pain. We were there this summer. No a/c in June...