Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Superpower Request

Dear Powers-That-Be:

I regret that I must ask this since you have already been so kind to me. I would like to put in a formal request for the power to stop time. As a mini-power, I would also need to be able to freeze and unfreeze people so they are not caught in the time stoppage.

I do hope that the following reasons will pursuade you to consider bequeathing this gift to me.

Adam is growing too, too fast. I need more time for more playing, more cuddling, and so I won't wake up one morning to discover he's 10 years old already and I am forty. If I had more time, the cats and the dog would not be neglected. Shannon and I would spend more time together. I would sleep until I'm finally caught up. The house would finally be clean. And then we could spend more time with Adam, and he could spend more time with family.

I do hope you will consider. Thank you for your time and your generosity,

I guess we'll see what their decision will be on that request.

Adam is 27 weeks old today. Yesterday was his first time riding in the grocery cart. He needed a little propping up with towels on the side, but he was so good. He quietly watched everything, and he had 3 favorites - the meat aisle (lots of red), the tyson frozen products aisle (red packaging), and the checkout line, where there were lots of people to smile at.

So far, seems fun.

$2.99?! That's a great deal!

We also got the pictures back from Picture Day at day care. He's a natural smiler. I don't know where he got the photogenic thing, but it certainly wasn't from me.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great pics! And my poor dogs are so neglected now too. My Sammy will walk up to me and lay his head in my lap and wait for attention.