Monday, November 29, 2010

Ready to Rock

Thanksgiving was great. The weekend was too short. No matter how much sleep I get in the hopes I may someday catch up, it just seems to fall short. Red bull and these videos are saving me today.

Shannon taught Adam to play the toy drum, and he was playing it like crazy this morning before I took him to daycare but after Shannon left for work. So I recorded it for him. He's trying to make Dad proud.

To Wendy and family - Adam LOVES this toy, thank you so much for passing it along to us!


The Tbo Fam =) said...

Oh my goodness, he's such a cutie! And tell him there will be more to come...we've got a bouncing zebra and some other tid bits that will come his way!!! Man, we hope to visit with you guys soon!!!!!! Xoxo

Elissa said...

He is so cute! I saw that he is crawling already. What a big boy! :-) I know it is bitter-sweet. You want him to stay small, but you are so proud of his accomplishments. :-) Reagan and Abbie make me feel that way every day. It just goes by too fast! Sorry we missed you in Dallas this weekend, but I hope to make it back soon. Take care!