Friday, January 14, 2011

Hip X-Rays and Nexium

On Tuesday the 18th, Adam goes back to the pediatric orthopedic specialist for follow-up x-rays on his legs and hips. I'm nervous. I've been nervous about quite a bit lately, and I have no real grounds for being as nervous as I am about this appointment in particular, but I can't help it.

After Adam got the Pavlik harness off full time to treat his hip dysplasia, we got very good results at the last x-ray in October. I should probably just see this as routine, but sadly, that's not how my mind works. He has been crawling, cruising, and creeping along furniture much earlier than most babies - and of course, we are very proud. But babies' bones and joints aren't as permanent as adults... and I keep seeing him hold his left leg awkwardly just over the last 3 days. I'm hoping it's something I'm creating in my head.

As far as the spitting up/acid reflux goes, since having the swallow study and starting the super-duty antibiotics 2 and a half weeks ago (4 more days left), we've seen a huge improvement in the spitting up. He does still sometimes, but it's not the ounces per day that it once was - it's more of what I would consider normal. We tried to stop the Nexium just before the swallow study to see if it made a difference in the spitting up, and it didn't. But for those two days we didn't give him the Nexium, he woke up screaming in pain at midnight both of those nights. So yes, the Nexium is definitely working for the pain.

So when Dr. Schochet's office called to reschedule his appointment on the 28th, I told them that things were looking better and that I'd just reschedule for now and call them back if things got worse.

1 comment:

Delia said...

Good luck on Tuesday! I'm sure he'll be fine.