Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Firsts in a Row

Adam slept through the night last night. Like, SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!

I guess 37 weeks is the lucky number. My mom says that I didn't sleep through the night until 9 months old (Sorry, Mom and Dad. Officially - I'm sorry!) and Adam is about 2 weeks away from that milestone, so maybe . . . maybe . . . I'll sleep through the night once again. I'm not going to get my hopes up though. My optimism has been squashed far too often for me to fall for it that often.

I woke up at 7:15 and kinda snoozed before getting in the shower. I really thought that maybe I had slept so hard last night that Shannon had gotten up for the typical 2-3 am feeding and I had just slept through it. Adam woke up happy and smiling, and was standing up in his crib when I went to get him at 7:45. I changed his diaper, took him into the kitchen to put him in the highchair and make his morning dose of Nexium, and then I realized that our nightly pre-measured bottle of formula (sans water) was still sitting by the sink untouched. I had to text Shannon at work to be sure it had really happened and I wasn't losing my mind. He slept from 8:30 (ish) last night to 7:45 this morning. Wow.

We'll see if we can get that to happen again. I can count on one hand the number of times Adam has slept through the night. The first two times was at around 4 months old, right before he got bronchititis. (And of course, the bronchitis ruined that. Once it happened randomly at around 6 months old, and then a couple of weeks ago he slept through the night right before he got the Roseola (and he was miserable with that little virus, so of course it didn't last).

In addition to last night's wonderful full night of sleep, Adam is cutting his first tooth. Cutting being the appropriate word. That thing is sharp! Tuesday night he was winding down so I sat him next to me on the couch to hang out. He grabbed my hand and immediately went to chew on it and I felt the little tooth sticking out - the bottom front left one. So I gave him my bent thumb to chew on and hooked my pointer finger under his chin... which is apparently very ticklish these days. So he'd grab my thumb to chew on it, my finger would tickle his chin and he'd giggle uncontrollably, grin big, tuck his chin down to his chest and then go for my thumb again. Even after 7 or 8 attempts, it never got old. He has the sweetest giggle in the world.

It was the best night I've had in a long time.

1 comment:

Delia said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the sleeping thing continues!!