Friday, January 28, 2011

Optimistic Friday?

Today Adam finally is acting like he feels better. His cough is still terrible, but he's smiling and willing to play more than 2 feet away from me. In fact, he's playing in his "house" right now and has gained back some of his appetite. Hopefully soon we can move on from his formula, cereal, and yogurt diet to the more substantial stuff and work on sleeping through the night again. :)

So while I'm posting, I thought I'd mention a few things about his development.

He thinks he's really funny. When you are feeding him and he's started to get full (or wasn't hungry in the first place), he takes a bite of food and squirts it out of his closed lips so it drips down his chin. I tell him firmly and without smiling to eat his food and stop spitting at me. But I have to turn my head to laugh.

He gives big, aggressive kisses with no warning. He usually aims for your nose in a big, open mouth attack, which is even more threatening as his sharp little baby tooth comes in on the bottom. It's sweet though.

All things belong outside of bags, containers, or pots. They do not belong inside of them. All doors, all books, and those little pop up toys should be closed, never open.

The only exception to this rule is the laundry room door, which he always has an eye on. If it's open, it's a race to get inside and the door closed before he's busting in to see what's going on. (He is currently beating on the door now). If he doesn't make it in time, or is caught and removed from the laundry room premises, it is no longer an "Aw, man..." type of reaction. It is a serious offense to have denied him the excitement of the laundry room.

You may ask why he is not allowed in the laundry room.

There are a few reasons:
#1) It's not big enough for the two of us.
#2) It leads to the garage and has a number of doors that pinch.
#3) It leads to the half bathroom, and I dread the day he learns the joy of toilet paper unrolling or repeated toilet flushing.
#4) It's disgusting on the floor in there.

In response to number 4, you may ask why I don't just clean it, to which I reply: "Well, you just think of everything, don't you?"

Adam loves his pacifiers, and since being home during the day and not feeling well, I have to admit he's gotten to have his paci all day long some days. He can have one in his mouth, come across another and spit out the one he already has to insert the new pacifier. (Grass is greener mentality starts early, doesn't it?) He can see it across the room, high on a table, the back of the couch... and be completely distraught when he can't reach it. I've tried to take it away when he doesn't really need it so it's not a beating when he goes back to daycare, where he's only allowed to have it at naptime (and so far has been just fine with that philosophy). Luckily he thinks it's funny when you pop it out of his mouth... but not so funny when you refuse to give it back.

He has two new favorite toys - a "house" given to us by the Thibeault family (who also supplied us with his previous favorite - the musical table, and the favorite prior to that - the drum), and "Potsy", a singing Leap Frog pot complete with cheese, tomato, corn, peas, broccoli, spoon and lid. The Pot doesn't get as much attention as the lid and the broccoli, specifically, which he thinks makes a decent make-shift pacifier (apparently a clean pair of socks does just fine too).

Adam LOVES to have his fingernails clipped and these grooming times are the only cases where he will sit still in my lap. (Exluding the times when he's sick or extremely sleepy.) When I bring out the nail clippers, he sticks his little fingers out delicately and smiles while I snip. We're working on the sitting still for diaper changes. He's getting better about it, but I suppose it's not as fun to sit still for that.

This morning before Shannon left for work:

Shannon: "Have you been calling Adam 'Sweetie Pie'?"
Erin: "No, I've been calling him 'Honey Bunny' lately."
Shannon: "He's a man. You need to call him 'handsome.'"
Erin: "I also call him 'Lovey Dovey.'"
Shannon: "You need to stop it."

I can't help it.

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