Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not Teething?

Alright, so I guess in the back of my mind there was something fishy about those fevers Adam was having earlier this week. But he's eight months old, has no teeth yet, and was fussy and running a low-grade fever so I figured: TEETHING.

Apparently not. Or at least, that wasn't the only thing.

Yesterday the daycare called me at 2:15 to say that Adam had a rash from head-to-toe and to come get him. At 2:20 I had an appointment for 3:00, at 2:45 we were on our way to the doctor, and at 3:00 we saw Dr. Thomas (not his regular Pediatrician, but I liked her).

Not a reaction to the antibiotics, not a reaction to the Barium he ingested on Tuesday for the swallow study . . . Roseola.

We were in our driveway by 3:30, in time for me to join a conference call. Shannon took off work a little early to come help me after the appointment.

Adam's fine - just a little uncomfortable, no more fever, and the rash is about 50% gone already and we didn't even have to do anything. He was apparently contagious during the fever, but not to adults.  But I'm home from work another day while he yells at me that I'm extremely boring. Tell me about it. As the day goes on he seems to be doing pretty well, just needs lots of rest. He'll most likely go to daycare tomorrow and Shannon will try to pick him up early.

I'm a little surprised though. . .  where are his teeth? When I feel his whole bottom jaw, I can feel every molar and incisor. I have these crazy visions that they will all pop in at once.

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