Saturday, June 25, 2011

In Recent News

Let's see, what's new?

The daycare told me earlier in the week that they are moving the two biters from Adam's class . . . on July 5 (two weeks). He hasn't been bitten since then, and next week he will only be at school for 3 days before our vacation to San Antonio (Sea World and catching up with friends) and then Austin (more great friends, barbecues, and Georgetown fireworks). We'll be back on July 5 and Adam will be back in school on the 6th, hopefully in a biter-free class.

Although I have been annoyed with the biting and the negative impact it has on Adam when we bring him home those days, he LOVES his teacher there - Tiffany is bubbly and personable, and she tells me all about Adam and what he does during the day. (Unlike multiple other teachers he's had who are confident that "he had a good day," is enough detail for a mother who desperately wishes she could spend the entire day with him too). If he has to go to the other room for a little bit (the infant room and mobile infant room are separated but have connecting doors), he apparently throws some incredible fits for Tiffany. He has claimed her lap as "his" lap and is territorial about who else gets to sit with her -- which is no one. He approaches other kids who make the attempt to sit in her lap, rearranges them like he rearranges our kitchen furniture, gives them a look that says (as she puts it), "She's mine. Get your own," then sits in her lap and grins at her with his Cheshire cat smile that he uses when he's being especially cute with a dash of ornery.

Tiffany says she loves it and thinks it's hilarious. I was initially concerned about it seeming a little like "bullying," but then realized that these might be the same kids trying to take chunks out of his arm so I say let him have at it.

In other news, on Friday morning Shannon had his wisdom teeth out. Compared to my experience where I moaned in pain for 3 days and only ate mashed potatoes, Shannon was in and out in 45 minutes (LITERALLY), came home and was fine. He's living off of soup, snack packs, and yogurt, and is desperate for something "real," but otherwise seems to feel great. Yesterday I assumed he was still just numb from the anesthesia and that today would be worse... but he is currently vacuuming the entire house. I guess I've figured out where Adam gets his toughness and superhuman strength. Shannon says he's not even in pain - his mouth is a little "tight" but it's nothing big. I ran errands with Adam this morning and came home and Shannon was gone . . . and when he came back he had apparently gone out to buy my birthday gift. He then gave it to me 9 days early.

Shannon has always been an incredible gift buyer. He always knows what I want and he puts great thought into what he buys in general. He got me the Nikon S9100 - it's a point-and-shoot 12.1 mp digital that is WAY better than my 5 year old Sony. It's a small step up from typical point-and-shoot, but not quite as bulky (or expensive) as a DSLR. And unlike many DSLRs, it has 1080p HD video. It's perfect for what we need right now. It even has a "smile timer" so maybe I will capture more of Adam's already frequent smiles (yes, there are several that I've missed!). I've discovered that hinting about something for 6 months can be pretty effective. He gave it to me early so I could learn to use it and have it ready for our vacation.

Adam and I then went out to Best Buy to get a memory card and a case for the camera. Here are some pictures that I was able to get today:

First picture I got on the camera.

Adam's Eli

Adam's Caley

Mom... seriously.

little charmer

Being silly with his tongue.

Reading his new book.

One of my favorites of Adam's facial expressions. Excited to be alive.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love all your updates! Can't wait to see y'all and meet this incredible little boy! You have always been a great writer and I love reading your blog!