Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lessons Learned

At work whenever a project is finished, there is always an open forum for "Lessons Learned." In life we may not have a lesson's learned every hour or even every day, but I can easily come up with a learned lesson each week. So I've decided that beginning Tuesday (My 31st birthday), I will begin a "Lesson's Learned Birthday Resolution" in which I record my lessons learned each week.

To start with a clean slate, I am saying my lesson's learned since Adam turned one and became a rambunctious and lovable toddler.

Lesson 1:
Losing your temper gets you nothing but regret.

Lesson 2:
When dealing with a toddler, the word "no" can sometimes only get you so far. When that fails, turning him in another direction and saying "walk away," "let go," or "leave it alone," is much more effective.

Lesson 3:
One day your kid likes one meal, the next it's pushed away. Focus less on making what you think they will eat and more on what is good for them or best for you that day. They will surprise you. (I'm referring specifically to the broccoli Adam scarfed down tonight at dinner because it was the easiest for me to make).

Lesson 4:
Just when you think you have a brilliant idea, be prepared to be proven wrong. When you believe that you will read your kid a book while he's taking a bath in order to keep him from ripping the pages out of said book . . . he will poo in the bathtub.

Lesson 5:
Never assume that your kid has grown out of the age of needing an extra set of clothes when you leave the house. Adam will have an extra outfit in the car until he is 18 years old. After that, he's on his own.

Lesson 6:
Your child can get hurt anywhere and with anyone (no matter how much you trust them). The important thing is to choose wisely and when it happens, try to find ways to keep it from happening again.

Those are my first 6. We'll see how many lessons learned I can come up with in the next 52 months of me being 31 and Adam being 1.


This was not the afore mentioned bath incident. Shannon was bathing him and I snuck in with a camera. Adam only poos in the tub when I'm bathing him.

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