Monday, June 6, 2011

The Weekend Part 1: East Texas Escapades

Friday night Adam, Shannon and I packed up our things and went to Atlanta, Texas for a day to spend time with Shannon's dad (Papa), Shane and other family. We got in late Friday night and it took a while for Adam to warm up to all the kids - (we are in the full-on "I need Mom!" stage) - but once he did get adjusted, there was no stopping him.

Saturday afternoon we went out to the lease in Linden and played all day and into the evening. Adam thought he was in heaven - things to touch, people to talk to, four wheelers to ride, and no one made him go inside. In fact, no one even mentioned it because there was no inside. He L-O-V-E-D it. He wore himself out exploring, riding, blowing bubbles, playing with Easton (a new friend about 7 months older than him), and taking a short dip in the pond.

Several times Adam would make his way back to the blanket to lie down and take a break... but there was no way he would miss out on anything that was going on. The pictures say everything. We got some great ones of Adam with the guys. We tried to get a few of me, but none that I would feel comfortable ever showing anyone...
I love this one.

hanging out on top of a boat

This video is of him exploring the trailer.

He really enjoyed riding the big four wheeler with Shannon. He also rode later on with Papa, but it was dark and I wasn't able to get pictures. During part of the ride he actually fell asleep, and while everyone was gathering around the fire to get dinner going, Adam stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at everything like a zombie. Luckily he his exhaustion presents itself with blank stares instead of screaming fits. (The screaming fits make their appearance when he's bored).

We left around 9:15 that night and he slept through the car ride and the unloading and woke up at about 8:30 - 8:45 am the next morning.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I forgot Shannon was a SPURS fan! Glad he hasn't turned into a MAVS fan! hehe! I love the big picture of them together near the bottom of the pics! Looks like a fun filled weekend!