Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chocolate and Bedtime.

Yesterday after spending the day outside, we had dinner in the sun room/man cave. Burgers, provolone cheese, tomatos and avocados were on the menu. Adam's most recent "favorite food" is beans... of any kind. So we have to wait to see what he will eat on his plate before offering the beans, because beans will win every time. He had a few bites of burger, one or two pieces of avocado, ignored the tomatoes, and ate the cheese. When I put the baked beans on his plate, they were gone in a few seconds.

I gave Adam a piece of chocolate for dessert, and I know he's had chocolate (cupcake, pudding) before, but never a chocolate bar. I documented his reaction.

What's this?


Tasting hesitantly...


Pleasant surprise...

Oh wow...

Happy boy.

Fastest Sugar Rush ever.

Chocolate monster.

The giggles.
I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, and I wouldn't say that Adam was in LOVE with it. But he didn't turn his nose up and throw it on the floor either. After he covered himself in chocolate, he got his second bath of the day.

Brushing his hair.

Despite his constant yawning and obvious exhaustion, he was determined that bedtime wasn't until exactly 8:30. I don't know how he knows the difference between 8:10 and 8:30, but somehow, he does.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

Yummy chocolate. Abbie likes chocolate too! Adam looks so old all of the sudden. Still cute as can be though :-)