Wednesday, July 6, 2011

San Antonio

After Sea World, we went back to the hotel and rested before going out to dinner. We went for Mexican food (of course) at a place called Los Barrios (I think). The food was really good, and Adam really enjoyed his chicken quesadilla and getting to color at the table.
Adam and Shannon before dinner

Surveying his surroundings.

When we got back to the hotel after dinner, I stopped to lie on the bed and catch up on text messages and facebook for literally about three minutes, not realizing that I'd left a bag of mini-oreos within toddler reach. When I looked up, I discovered that Professor Chaos had returned, and this time he was leaving black smudges on the windows, the chairs, the carpet, the dresser . . . basically anything he could paint. And he was sporting an oreo cookie beard as well.

Looking very pleased with his work.

This face makes it all worth it.
Professor Chaos' Wanted Photo
Adam literally passed out in bed with me that night at around 8:10, flat on his back, arms and legs spread out like he was mid-snow angel. He didn't move for 3 hours and he actually cuddled with me a little before I put him in his pack and play. At 4:30 he woke up crying because he didn't know where he was, but I pulled him into bed with me and we slept for another 3 hours.

When we woke up, we packed up the room slowly and kinda hung out, but Adam had cabin fever so I took him down so he could take me for a walk around the pool. We also rode the elevator a couple times, because that turned out to be about as big a hit as Sea World was (if not more so). We also had some fun with the rocks outside near the fountain.

The wetness on his shirt is from where I trusted him with a juice box and he squirted himself and me.


We checked out of the hotel and drove over to the Quarry Mall to get me a new swim suit and we just happened to pick up some clothes for Adam too (of course). I am an absolutely sucker for Superman stuff, and apparently it has rubbed off on Shannon.

After shopping we stopped at Mama's Cafe on 1604 (um, not exactly what we were looking for. It's always frustrating to drop more than $40 on a not very good lunch. Adam did okay with his popcorn shrimp, but I don't think any of us was that impressed. However, Adam did enjoy getting to color again).

Then we drove up to Cibolo to see my old roommate Lisa and her sweet little daughter Bailey, who is about 5 months younger than Adam. And thus leads us to Phase 2 of our mini-family vacation (to be continued...)

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