Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday Fun

Adam's phrase of the day yesterday was "HOT, HOT, HOT." (He also said "cheese," but that was unrelated.)

When we read back on this I want to remember that it's the second hottest summer in 113 years. The hottest summer prior was in 1980, I believe, and I was born right in the middle of the heat wave. Perhaps because of that I've always had a high tolerance for heat, but this summer is miserable. And with his parents' fair skin and Shannon's intolerance for heat in general (It could be 90 degrees every day and I wouldn't whine... Shannon would prefer it to be about 50 degrees every day), poor little Adam walks outside and his cheeks immediately turn pink.

Although Adam complains very little about the heat, it smothers everyone in general and wreaks havoc on your body. You can never drink enough water and your appetite suddenly disappears. The thought of anything more than an apple turns my stomach sometimes. In Texas we crave the summer so we can go outside and play... and when summer comes, you can't do anything outside unless you are going to be sopping wet.

But yesterday we wanted to be outside, so we sprayed down the deck, turned on the misters, kept the hose running and filled the baby pool, then stripped Adam down to nothing and let him go wild.

Getting cooled off.

We could save on diapers this way.

He looks concerned, but he wasn't in any trouble.
I don't know what this face is, but he looks serious. Or offended.

Drink thief.

Mom's Iced Tea is better than Adam's Ice Water.

Thanks Mom.

The thief casually wanders away with his new drink and goes to sit in the corner to enjoy it.

After Adam stole my drink, he had lunch and then a nap. He was fully dressed when we went back outside in the afternoon, but he tried to climb in the pool again so I just stripped him down. I did a lot of sitting around yesterday (and got a nap too), but Shannon was awesome and grilled some burgers. Adam helped.
Dancing, I think.
Dancing for sure.


Naked with shoes on - the concrete gets HOT in the sun.


It's days like that which make Saturday my favorite day.

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