Thursday, July 28, 2011

Use your Words

I think we're averaging a new word every 2 days with Adam, and he's getting pretty good. He says "juice" and "shoes" quite often -- however, when he says "juice" he really wants juice... when he says "shoes," he doesn't want to wear the shoes, he's just found them in the house.

These are my toys, right? I found them next to the dog bed.

This is the good life.
Adam's words (continued from a previous post)...

19. Adam (I forgot to add this one last time)
20. HOT!
21. Ball
22. Stick

This morning Adam played peek-a-boo with his blanket, except when he peeked out of his blanket he said "Adam!" instead of "Boo!"

He has two more "almost" words that I can't quite add to the list yet: "Cookies" and "Off."

Me: "Adam, can you say 'cookies'?"
Adam: Thoughtful silence. "tookies."
Me: "That's right, Adam! Cookies! Smart boy. Can you say 'cookies' again?"
Silence. The wheels are turning.
Adam: "Duck."

Oh well... almost. "Duck" has become a word he says when he tries to say "Doogie," (Doogie Howser, M.D. is popular these days - you can hear him say "Duck" in the video contained in blog post titled "Doogie and Kool Aid." Because "duck" doesn't actually mean "duck," I haven't counted it as a word he can say.

Me: "Adam, can you turn the light switch 'off'? 'Off'?"
Adam: "Bob."

Adam has also started to sign for "milk" - he signs "milk," "eat," and "all done"... he may sign other words but I don't know what they are. Interestingly, the words that he can sign he doesn't try to say. I've heard the argument that teaching a baby sign language delays their speech (and while we don't do the sign language thing at home, I don't have any real strong opinions either way on that controversial subject). All of Adam's sign language he has picked up at daycare. So it seems that in Adam's case, the signs he knows and uses to communicate replace speaking the actual words. However, it may be too early to make the judgement call on that one.

We've reached this stage at our house:

That drawer finally got baby-proofed... and quickly too. It's not that we're worried about the precious DVD's - it's that they are a pain to clean up, and if step on them, you slip.

He had fun in the toy section at Walmart for the first time. Big mistake on my part... now that he knows it's an option to get out of the cart, that's what he wants to do. After doing some other shopping, we hurried out of there because he insisted that he could STAND in the cart instead of sit. And sadly, when I have a lot of things to do, he has proven that he is faster and stronger than me when he catches me off guard. We left Walmart with me carrying him (Have you ever pushed a cart full a items and held at 30 lb child on your hip at the same time? It's fun. I never realized how fun.)

What are these?! We don't have these at home!
Adam got a new toy - $5 at Walmart, can't beat that... It's a set of golf clubs with golf balls. I taught him how to hit the ball the right way with the putter, and he giggled each time. But his favorite way to "play" with this new toy is to take the putter, the club, and the wedge out, call them "sticks" and throw them all over the floor and of course - he loves to play with the golf balls.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Funny little man! And yes- I have the art of pushing a full cart while holding a baby down! (but mine is only 19ish lbs) She just will not sit in the cart! She throws a huge fit every time!