Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cibolo: Family Vacation Day 2

We drove up to Cibolo to see my old roommate Lisa and her sweet little daughter Bailey, who is about 5 months younger than Adam. Lisa and I met when we were going to school in San Marcos and we lived together a little over a year. We hadn't seen each other in years, literally, and I was jumping out of my skin with excitement to get to hang out with them and meet her absolutely adorable little girl.

It is always crazy to me when I hold friends' babies and they feel so light and dainty and . . . well, babyish. Adam has always been a little man with little man feet and lean, hard muscle. And he weighs about 28 lbs. Just ask my bad shoulder.

Anyway, we got to Lisa's and introduced Adam and Bailey. Adam took a few minutes to warm up, but Bailey went right in for a big kiss. He liked playing with her toys and hanging out, and slowly they became friends . . . until I decided that I would hold Bailey. Adam was extremely jealous and screamed whenever I picked her up or held her. I ignored it, for the most part, but his sad face was pretty heartbreaking, after we giggled at him for being so adamantly against me touching any other child but him. He even did it so well that the next morning when I would give Bailey back to Lisa and go to pick up my jealous monster, Bailey would start crying in "jealousy."

Talk about an ego boost for me... two babies crying for my attention. Heck yeah, I knew I was cool. I'm sure it won't take them too long to figure out I'm not that cool though.

Hopefully he wasn't teaching her to climb.

On Saturday we hung out in the air conditioned house and chatted for most of the afternoon, along with Lisa's step-daughter Kyleigh, who is 6. Adam decided that Kyleigh was his girlfriend and kept going to hug her -- his face came to about her belly button and he'd hold on tight and wrap his hands around her waist and grab her butt, then hold on for dear life, grinning. We'd pry him off, try to walk him away to something else, and he'd just go back for more hugs. I just wish I had gotten a good picture of it.

Then went out to their community pool, where Lisa, Bailey, Kyleigh, Adam and I swam a little. Adam thought the real fun was after getting out of the pool, where he could show off his superhuman strength by carting around a few noodles.

Superman pose.

Miniature lifeguard.

After getting back to Lisa's house, the guys grilled fajitas, and they were amazing... Adam and Bailey especially thought a lot of the tortillas... Bailey attacked Jason's plate and Adam came over to see what the fuss was about, and it was all over for Jason... he had two little birds all over his dinner.

We left the next morning to drive up to Hutto, to see more friends. I wish our time in Cibolo could have been a little longer!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Such a great day and night! Oh and Bailey was weighed today and she is 18 lbs and 29.5 inches! That is much lighter!