Thursday, July 14, 2011

Paranoia and (Cuteness) Insanity

Life is far too precious . . . I've heard far too many stories recently of terrible incidences where no one is at fault but children or husbands are lost tragically. My already paranoid brain can't process them. It makes me want to hole up in the house and not let anyone out. But that's not productive either...

So I will focus on the great things we have and enjoy my blessings even more. I have never been one to "pray" or say I'm blessed... I typically send my thoughts and be thankful about how lucky I am ... how lucky we are. But I am truly blessed, I will admit that.

Adam doesn't watch much TV at all except maybe an occasional Little Einsteins, Your Baby Can Read and Sesame Street, but there is a whole lot of crap on TV so we DVR some harmless shows sometimes just in case the TV is on while we're playing, and he's become addicted to the theme song for Doogie Howser. When it comes on he stops to watch the opening credits and turns to grin his goofy grins at us while it plays... maybe he thinks he's Doogie, I'm not sure. It probably has to do with the smiling faces they show like all early 90's TV shows did.

He also loves the Kool-Aid commercial where Kool-Aid lets the pregnant woman and her daughter sit at the bus stop, while the Soda bottle reads his newspaper and ignores him. I know it's the song...

Crazy Hair in the morning

Loves his backpack.

I think he's practicing for a Baby Simply Saline Ad.

New outfit - had to take a picture (of course)

Adam has a bad habit of putting his hands in the dog's water and licking it. It's gross. But he's so quick you only know he's done it when you see him lick his hands. Nerd. Luckily we keep Caley's waterbowl pretty clean... and you know what they say about dog's mouths.

It's really interesting to watch how the dog drinks water.

And she's off...

Kissy face - Adam has finally decided that kisses don't have to be open-mouthed. I miss the attacks though.

Towel Monster doesn't like the paparazzi.


Not quite sure when he got so tall...
He hates when I sit down... always. If I sit on the couch, holding him or not, he whines. See the last video below.

As you see in the picture above, Adam's kisses are all pucker-y now -- And if you ask for one, you have a 60% chance of getting one... sometimes you get one when you don't ask for one, and those are the sweetest of all.

Today he gave me a kiss while sitting in the cart at the grocery store. I melted and bought him some more goldfish when we got to that aisle. Then he got mad at me when I wouldn't open them right away. But to his credit, when I said, "Adam, that's enough," he gave up his tantrum.

Tonight Adam's game was hide and seek for a little bit, then we played "push mom over and then sit on her stomach and bounce" -- he thought it was hilarious when I said "oh no, Adam that's my tummy!" His bedtime came and went at 8:30, mostly because he was so wound up I thought it wasn't even worth trying. At 8:45, immediately after finishing the "Bounce on Mom" game, Adam ran towards the laundry room, stopped mid-step and lifted one leg like he had a cramp, whined, and fell face foward onto the ground. Then he rubbed his eyes.

Apparently his 8:30 bedtime "off" switch is pretty literal. He fell over like a robot who ran out of batteries, and was thankful for the crib when I took him there.

He's so fast now that I've resorted to videos of his insane cuteness. I've compiled some of them.

Towel Monster

Smelly Feet

Adam Being Adam

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