Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to Fill an Entire Day

8 pm Saturday Night: Adam is put to bed after a VERY rough day of tears, yelling, and defiance which is a direct result of feeling bad and not getting enough sleep over the last week. (He needs sleep, but is too tired to sleep. Ever been there?)

8:30 pm Saturday Night: I go to bed with Colin. Shannon goes to the couch with Claire.

1 am Sunday Morning. Adam wakes up screaming. I put him back to bed.

2 am Sunday Morning. Adam wakes up screaming. Shannon puts him back to bed.

3 am Sunday Morning. Colin wakes up hungry and I feed him (He slept 9 hours!!)

3:30 am Sunday Morning. Adam wakes up screaming. I put him back to bed.

After feeding Colin, I need to pump. I just do. So I do for about 20 minutes.

4 am Sunday Morning. Adam wakes up screaming. Shannon puts him back to bed. I watch him in the video monitor that we set up since the sleep has been so bad lately. He lies there for 20 minutes, not crying, not upset, just not sleeping. I believe I went back to sleep before he did.

7:30 am Sunday morning. Colin starts to stir. I jump out of bed. I have a soccer game at 9 am and need to leave the house by 8, but also need to feed Colin, pump, get dressed, and get out the door with my bag and water.

I have no time to pump. I nurse Colin. I get dressed. I look far too long at my stash of Red Bulls and realize that it isn't the breakfast of champions. I grab some grapes for breakfast. I make a jug of water. I find my keys. I kiss Claire on the head and she smiles at me. I contemplate running away with her and just hanging out and smiling at each other all day. Adam wakes up about ten til 8 and I get him some grapes. He is happy because he finally got some sleep... until he realizes that I'm leaving and he wasn't invited to come.

8:15 am. I manage to get out the door. I still make it on time.

8:30 am. I'm on the soccer field, meeting 13 new people and feeling very nervous about playing my first soccer game in almost exactly three years (no games since I found out I was pregnant with Adam). During both pregnancies, I dreamt every night of playing soccer. It makes me feel powerful, free, independent and confident, and relieves stress. I believe this is why I dream of soccer while pregnant - it's my way of returning to myself at night while I sleep.

In my dreams, I am awesome. Professional, even. In real life today I was . . . okay. I was in better shape than I expected, probably because my kids keep me up and moving all day long. My skills were rusty and my sprained foot/ankle held me back a tiny bit even with the brace, but I didn't pass out. One time my whole upper body kept going while my legs decided not to move, and I fell on my face. That was embarrassing. But I didn't have any complete disasters. I played 80 minutes of a 90 minute game as sweeper, and no one scored while I was in the game. We won, 3-1, the goal against us being about 5 minutes after I came off the field. I am not going to be able to walk tomorrow, but I don't even care. I had a blast.

10:45 am. I stop at Raising Canes for lunch for me and the guys.

11:15 am Lunch.

12 pm Sunday afternoon. Adam goes down for a nap. I convince him that if he goes down for a good LOOOONG nap, we'll go see Mamie and the Grand Pepa afterwards. He basically runs to bed. And only gets up about 3 times before staying there.

12:30 pm. Shannon and I watch football and I convince Shannon that we (meaning I) should really do the laundry. I do two loads . . .

1 pm. Shannon and I feed Colin and Claire.

1:30 pm - 2pm. Take pictures of Colin and Claire in Cowboys gear.


2 pm - 3 pm. Talk to Colin and Claire and help Colin fall asleep.

3:30 pm Sunday afternoon. Adam wakes up from his nap, asks for his backpack, packs his blankie and his pacifier, and then says, "Go see Mamie-Pepa?"

(Shannon ends up doing all the laundry and hanging it up. Thank you, thank you, thank you.)

3:45 pm Sunday afternoon. We leave for Mamie-Grand Pepa's house.

4 pm. Talk to Mamie and the Grand Pepa in the backyard, then decide to go for a walk with Koko to the playground.

4 pm - 5 pm. Walk Koko. Slide down slide. Slide down slide. Go up Ramp. Find a square rock ("My hold it!") Swing on all the swings. Walk back with Koko.

5:30 pm. Adam eats some mini corndogs and plays with a money bank with Mamie, then does a puzzle, then cries when I tell him we need to go home and see Colin and Claire and Daddy... "No, Momma, see Mamie and Pepa."

6 pm. Leave despite the tears and desperate pleas to stay. Get McDonald's (two fast foods in one day, yes, I know. It was mostly for me.)

6:15 pm. Exit the freeway. Adam whines. Adam throws up. Adam moans "owwww..." Adam throws up again. Call and warn Shannon, ask for back up.

6:20 pm. Shannon helps strip the car down. I strip the boy down and give him a bath.

7 pm. Adam in pajamas. Adam eats and feels better. I hold Claire for 15 minutes and we giggle and smile at each other.

7:30 pm. I finally pump.

8:30 pm. Adam and I read Curious George. Adam goes to bed.

9 pm. Adam finally lies down and goes to sleep.

9:30 pm. I finish writing this blog. And now, I will ice my foot, take some Tylenol, and pass out.

Good night.

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